As life unfolds and the years go by, there often comes a time when individuals and their families must face the transition to aged care. While this step can be accompanied by a mix of emotions and challenges, it's also an opportunity to ensure comfort, safety, and quality of life for seniors. In Australia, a well-structured aged care system provides various options if you need aged care to make this transition as smooth and positive as possible.
In this video, Joanne Danckwardt of One Agency JD Property Agents along with Dianne Chalk of Fiducian Financial Services, explore the essentials of moving into aged care, offering insights into the process, available services, and helpful tips.
If you're ready to discover the secrets to being ready to sell your home, download our free insider secrets to being ready to sell checklist.
Australia's aged care system is designed to provide support and assistance to older individuals who require help with daily tasks and health-related needs. The aged care system offers a range of services, including:
If you're ready to discover the secrets to being ready to sell your home, download our free insider secrets to being ready to sell checklist.
Transitioning into aged care is a significant life event that requires careful planning and consideration. By understanding the available services, navigating the assessment process, and being well-prepared, individuals and their families can ensure a positive transition that prioritizes comfort, safety, and well-being. As you embark on this journey, remember that you're not alone—there is a supportive network ready to help you make the best choices for your loved one's golden years.
After completing all this research, you will have your own knowledge on if you should need to sell your property. If this a requirement of yours, pricing your home to sell is of utmost importance along with the timeframes for listing the property for sale.
If you feel you could benefit from our experience with buying and selling, or our property management services, we’d love to hear from you. Simply reach out. We hope that has helped you today. If you have any questions, or you know of anyone who may benefit from our real estate services, we’d love to chat. Our number is 0426 264 771. We look forward to talking to you soon.
How To Prepare For The Move Into Aged Care
Learn how to make the transition from your current home into aged care.
Register now for this short course and take the first step to understanding what is associated when transitioning you or your loved one into aged care. Learn how to create an achievable plan and timeline, put together your support team, and manage the requirements to move with ease.