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3 reasons why you should consider selling by auction

Oct 24, 2019

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With so much activity in the market, ensuring you select the right method to sell your home is essential.

If you are wondering if auctioning your home is the right way to go, this video outlines three reasons why you should consider selling by auction.

If you’re ready to discover the secrets to being ready to sell your home, download our free insider secrets to being ready to sell checklist.


Here are 3 reasons to sell by auction in Wollongong

Selling A Unique Home

If you have a home that is unique, it can be ideal to sell your home by auction, as it will create competition among potential buyers. This competition may mean the selling price can exceed price expectations, therefore maximising your sale price.

Unclear on the Sale Price

If an agent is struggling to put a price on the home, it is a good idea to hear what the market has to say. Remember that it is not what your agent thinks the home is worth, and it is not what you think your home is worth, it is what the buyer’s think it is worth.

A recent conversation with a gentlemen considering selling revealed that he had had a few agents give him an opinion of price with the view to pricing the home to sell, and there was a $300,000 different from the top price to the bottom price. This is a large difference. Auctioning takes the pricing question out of the equation.

A Set Time Frame To Sell

If you have a set time frame that you need to sell in, then an auction should be considered. Most people don’t want to be on the market for a long period of time.

To expedite the sale, an auction is ideal as there is a four-week auction campaign. The home can often be sold in that four-week period leading up to the auction, or sold on the day of the auction.

At One Agency JD Property Agents, we have an 85% success rate with selling before or on the auction day. Essentially, an auction means that you get a result. The remaining 15% of our auction properties are sold in the two weeks following the auction day. The turnaround time frame for auction is a lot shorter than selling any other way.

Is Selling By Auction Right For You?

If you’re still unsure if selling by auction is right for you, start by downloading our free insider secrets to being ready to sell checklist.

This will step you through all that you need to do to sell your property and will ensure you can confidently make a decision that will be right for you and your situation.


If you need further assistance about deciding on whether to sell or auction your property, make sure to give myself, Joanne Danckwardt at One Agency JD Property Agents, a call on 04 26 264 771. I’d love to talk about you and your home.