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The value of floor plans

Jul 14, 2021

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Have you ever wondered why we need to have floor plans when looking to buy or sell a property? What is the power of a floor plan? Floor plans are one of the most valuable tools when selling, and are highly sought after by buyers.

Watch this video to learn more from Joanne Danckwardt of One Agency JD Property Agents in Fairy Meadow as she discusses why having a floor plan is invaluable and their effectiveness when buying and selling real estate.

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What is a floor plan? 

A floor plan is a drawing to scale that shows a house as seen from above.  It shows the layout and relationships between rooms, hallways, wall, doors, windows, stairs, etc of each level of a building.  They will often include built-in features such as wardrobes, kitchen units, and bathroom fittings. Dimensions are usually included in a floor plan to specify room sizes.

How do floor plans help to sell a property?

Floor plans are an important component when marketing a property for sale, and do a great job selling a house. The floor plan will become a part of your marketing campaign, and are a cost to consider when selling your home. Floor plans are promoted on website portals, in image carousels and included in the property’s promotional brochures that are distributed at open homes, and via other sales channels.  In conjunction with photos, and property videos when marketing your home for sale, floor plans will help a buyer understand the flow of the house, and encourage an inspection to be made. A floor plan, in conjunction with photos, will allow buyers to get a feel for the property. Potential buyers who have never set foot in the property gain an understanding of how the house works as whole. This is helpful if buyers have specific requirements, and helps a seller to pre-qualify a buyer before they have even inspected the property. The floor plan will also allow buyers to visualise the home should they be considering undertaking future improvements to the property like removing a wall or installing a new bathroom.

If buyers are visiting several properties, they can forget which property is which and confuse or overlook the finer details of each home.  Special features like extra storage or a studio can easily be forgotten.  Floor plans allow buyers to draw and visualise their furniture in the home.  Once they start to visualise their things in the property their passion for the property increases. When inspecting, make obtaining a copy of the floor plan a part of your questions to ask at an open home.

When marketing to out-of-town buyers, floor plans are an invaluable tool for those who miss the inspection, helping to bring an unseen property to life and maintaining their interest.

How do floor plans help buyers?

The floor plan allows buyers to piece together the photos online and to determine what room sits where and how it relates to the rest of the property.  The intersection between the photos and the floor plan will assist buyers to ‘make sense of the property’, and visualise furniture placement. A floor plan is a great way to remember the property – how many times have you inspected a house only to forget important details as soon as you leave? Where was the laundry? Did it have any linen cupboards? How big was the garage? Was there a separate toilet? Questions that may arise after an inspection can be answered by looking back over the floorplan. A floorplan will also give buyers the ability to look at the future potential of the property – is there any room to grow or extend? Can the office be turned into a play room? Is there space in the garden for a granny flat for swimming pool?

How are floor plans created?

Most photographers will create the floor plan for a property.  Using accurate laser measurements of each room they create a detailed ‘to scale’ floor plan featuring room dimension and total property size. Some floor plans will show the homes footprint on the block.

Different types of floor plans

Basic floor plans are simply drawn in black and white, however you there are also coloured options that may include textured finishes such as decking or tiling.  Furniture can be added to any plan to give buyers an idea of potential furniture placements. Many agencies are using innovation and technology when selling, turning floor plans into virtual tours or Matterport’s – a 3D image of the property and floor plan.

If you're ready to discover the secrets to being ready to sell your home, download our free insider secrets to being ready to sell checklist.


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