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Questions to ask at an open home

Nov 07, 2020

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After going through the open home of a property that have a good feeling about, what are some of the questions that you should be asking the agent? Open houses are a part of the process when buying a property and looking at property for sale. Going through open homes can help you work out exactly what you want from your purchase, and what you don’t. You will also learn to overlook superficial flaws, such as bad staging or terrible paintwork, and spot a great home when you see one. You will also learn how to communicate successfully with real estate agents, gaining a better understanding of real estate jargon, and the information agents are willing to share. You will also come up with your own list of questions to ask at an open house, and know exactly what you need to ask to get the information you want.

Attending open houses can be an ideal learning experience, and are a great opportunity to ask questions at the open home to learn more about it. The agent will be present and can assist with questions. After going through the open home of a property that have a good feeling about, what are some of the questions that you should be asking the agent? In this video, we provide you with a guide on what you should be communicating to the agent to express your interest and ensure they include you in their future communication schedule.

If you are looking for a property to buy, request to be added to our open home alert 



If there are a lot of people in the house, it can be difficult to ask a lot of questions of the real estate agent. If this is case, ensure that you give an indication to the agent to express your interest. You can ask that they give you a call, or request to see a copy of the contract. This will ensure the agent notes your interest and can follow you up to provide any further information, answer your questions, or include you in any negotiations. There may be a brochure available at the open, which should include a floor plan of the property for you to reference.

Questions to ask the agent include:

Is there a Pest and Building report available?

Asking the agent if there are any problems with the home along with ascertaining if a Pest and Building report is accessible will give an indication if there are any issues present in the property. Remember if the Pest and Building report is not perfect, you can still negotiate and talk the issues through with the agent.

Will the vendor accept offers prior to Auction?

If the property is scheduled to go to auction, asking if the vendor would be willing to negotiate prior is a great way to see if you can purchase the property beforehand.

Has there been any price changes?

This will help you to ascertain how motivated the seller is.

How long has the home been on the market?

If the property has just come onto the market for sale, the seller may not be too anxious to accept the first offer/s. Alternatively, if the home has been on the market for a few months, it is possible the seller is motivated to sell and will consider offers.

Have there been any offers on the home?

Finding out other offers will give you an indication of any competition you may have and how serious the seller is about selling at a reasonable price.

What is the neighbourhood like?

While you can always change the look and feel of a home, you can’t change the location and neighbourhood. Ask the agent to tell you about the neighbourhood. How much traffic comes through? What is the speed limit? Is this home a good representation of other homes in the neighbourhood? What does the neighbourhood offer by way of schools, shops, transport?

Why are the Owners selling the home?

This can be a tricky question that agents sometimes can’t answer truthfully as they will be looking to keep their clients’ interests and confidentiality. It is worth asking, as some agents will tell you, and this can give an insight into any problems with the home.

What feedback has been received from other buyers?

While you may or may not receive an honest answer to this question, it can be worth asking as they agent may be happy to talk about both the positive and negative feedback they have received from past inspections.

Obtaining all the information you can about the property will help you with your offers and negotiating. Finding you dream home and securing it are the first steps to owning your new property. We also encourage you to take a brochure and floor plan of the property to help you remember the important points.

If you are looking for a property to buy, request to be added to our open home alert 



We hope that has helped you today. If you have any questions, we would love to talk to you and can be contacted on 0426 264 771. We hope you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy. Most importantly we are here to help.